Back to Honduras

18 Mar 2024 07:53:25 By Brita

Boat rides and first day in Savannah Bight

We're back at it and couldn't be more excited to serve the Guanaja residents in Savannah Bight and Bonacca Cay! A team of 26 missionaries from four states embarked on a week-long medical outreach early Saturday morning traveling with over 52 large bags carrying a variety of donated medical, DME, pharmaceuticals and marketplace items. These items were all donated by P4GH patrons believing in our mission in providing healthcare to those in regions with limited resources.

The photos are a snapshot of our travels that involved a two hour ferry ride over not so calm waters that was traded for two smaller boats that afforded us a not so dry ride. To say we were feeling grateful when we arrived at our final destination, the Guanaja Hotel, is an understatement! While the travel left us wet and a little sea weary, the team quickly jumped into action sorting through the bags to ensure they had what they needed to be open for patients the following morning. #blessedtobehere

Day One: Savannah Bright Clinic

Our multidisciplinary team arrived soon after sunrise by boat for the first day of clinic in Guanaja loaded with medications, medical supplies and an abundance of love to share with the residents of Honduras. We were greeted with open arms by Dr. Lorrie and her team who aided our crew as we unloaded, sorted and organized our supplies. With their support we efficiently and charismatically provided medical and dental care to over 200 patients.

Our specialized team was able to offer orthopedic, gynecologic, obstetrics and cardiac services to those in need. With this team and our ultrasound equipment, pregnant mothers were able to see their babies and hear their unborn child's heartbeat for the first time. Additionally, our physical therapist was able to to educate mothers on ways to aide their handicapped children. It was a day full of hard work, sweat, tears, camaraderie and so many answered prayers. Our team cannot wait for another opportunity to learn, grow and serve the amazing humans of Honduras tomorrow.