The Secret Power of Men, Mercy and Missions

19 Mar 2024 08:57:05 By Brita

Savannah Bight Day Two

On our second day of clinic at Savannah Bight the men truly shined. Father David shared the story about the Good Samaritan during our morning reflection and challenged the team to share examples of mercy. Several of our male leaders, including Jerry and Mark, felt a calling to connect with young men after hearing several stories about their afflictions and its adverse impact on their families in the Guanaja community.

One gentleman confessed that his substance abuse led to financial hardships for his wife and two young children. Expressing remorse and desire to change, Father David was able to recommend a Celebrate Recovery program that he learned about from another gentleman seen in our clinic the day prior. While this young Honduran male was relieved to learn about this opportunity, he admitted he was apprehensive to attend alone.

Touched by this story, Father David and Mark made special arrangements to attend Celebrate Recovery with their new friend.

We learned that all men need one thing - someone with whom they are safe enough to be vulnerable.

With men like Rob, Chris, Mark, Jerry, Miguel, Father David and David III. we were able to provide a safe haven to many. These amazing male leaders were able to show enough empathy, compassion and support for this and many other patients to feel comfortable enough expressing their needs and insecurities. With their encouragement, this one man is now willing to take the first step forward in healing and recovery.

Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness. One small gesture. One person to change a life. Our men did ALL of this . As a result, not only did they change his life, but the life of his family as well.

Let’s continue to show mercy, grace and kindness to all we meet. We never know what battles others are facing, but it is always great to know that we are never alone!
#moremercy #menonamission #neveralone #bekind #vulnerablemenrock